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Summer Internships: DB Mosher '25

July 18, 2023
Headshot of DB Mosher

Name: DB Mosher
Class Year: 2025
Major: Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies & Literatures in English
Hometown: Orinda, CA

Internship Organization: Student World Impact Film Festival
Job Title: Juror/Podcast Host
Location: Remote

What's happening at your internship? We would love to hear what kind of work you are doing!

As an intern judge and podcast host at the Student World Impact Film Festival (SWIFF), my job is split into two parts. As a judge, I watch and rate films submitted to the film festival. I have to use my knowledge of filmmaking to accurately judge the quality of each film and give feedback. As a podcast host, I interview the directors of films accepted to SWIFF. We talk about them, their films, and their experience in the filmmaking world.

Why did you apply for this internship?

I applied to this internship because, simply, I love film. SWIFF gave me the chance to watch underground student films, as well as a vast network of other filmmakers that I can connect with. Every day, I鈥檓 exposed to new and groundbreaking films from students all around the world, inspiring my own future works and expanding my knowledge of film.

Open laptop on a desk facing a window.
My workspace.

Was there anything special about how you found this internship?

The way I found this internship was purely by chance. I was scrolling through LinkedIn, and a post from the director-Mark-popped up in my feed. It was an application to be a SWIFF judge, and it caught my attention. It seemed like something great to do along with my internship at WIFSFBA, as it was remote and self-scheduled. I applied, got an interview, and eventually was accepted into the SWIFF community. I think my application journey was a great example of how important it is to keep your eyes open on your job sites/in your network. You never know what might come along!

Working remotely for the first time? What has that experience been like for you?

Working remotely for the first time was a bit tough at first. I had to figure out how my work fit into my schedule and how to balance work with my active lifestyle. It was a bit daunting at first. I was used to having a workplace in which I could go to and leave my work there when I went home. I was concerned that turning my resting space into a hybrid workspace might create an imbalance in my life. However, remote work turned out to be so much better for my mental health and lifestyle than in-person. I could schedule my own meal breaks, workouts, and time with friends easily and decide when I wanted to get my work done. Often, I鈥檓 finished working by 2-3 p.m. and have the rest of the day to do whatever I want! Working remotely does mean that I鈥檓 on call all day, which can be a little stressful at times. However, I don鈥檛 mind communicating with my supervisor, and I enjoy what I do, so it doesn鈥檛 even feel like work!

Visit the Summer Internship Stories page to read more about student internship experiences.

Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies Literatures in English