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Rally/March: The People United in Love - Defend our Civil Rights

November 18, 2016

Saturday, Nov. 19, 1:00PM-3:00PM, Municipal Services Building, Philadelphia

Rally and march in peaceful and loving support of American inclusiveness and diversity and in opposition of Trump鈥檚 incoming administration and 100-day plan! There will be speakers and musicians. Civic Engagement can provide you with funding!

The People United in Love - Defend our Civil Rights Rally/March will occur Saturday, Nov. 19 from 1:00PM to 3:00PM at the Municipal Services Building, Philadelphia. The exact address at which to gather is 1401 John F Kennedy Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19102.

The goals of the rally/march are:

  • To stand united as a wall of loving Americans who cherish inclusiveness and diversity as a modern foundational principle of the American way of life.
  • To make it crystal clear to the incoming Trump administration that we will unfailingly defend the Constitution and the civil rights of women and minorities in our country, as well as the human rights of immigrants and prospective immigrants. To hereby reject the elements of the President-Elect's 100 day plan which encroach on these rights.
  • To protest his selection of staff and cabinet members who are known to be affiliated with hate speech and white supremacist, anti-minority rhetoric.

There will be some speakers, musicians. The plan is to sing a few songs, then march down to the National Constitution Center and back.

Students who wish to attend this rally/march may apply to have their transportation expenses subsidized through Civic Engagement鈥檚 Student鈥檚 Activism Fund up to a maximum of $20 per person.

Questions or concerns? Visit the for more details.

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