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Internship: Puentes de Salud Tutoring Internship

January 20, 2017

Application due Jan. 20

Puentes de Salud, a health and education nonprofit in South Philadelphia, is now accepting tutor interns for Puentes Hacia el Futuro, its Education and Wellness program. Apply today to work with children K-8!

Puentes Hacia el Futuro is predicated upon the well-evidenced fact that education is inextricably tied to the health of individuals and communities. The mission of Puentes Hacia el Futuro is to improve the educational achievement of children in the South Philadelphia Latino immigrant community in order to improve long-term health outcomes, as well as to provide support in the context of extremely limited educational resources.

After-School Tutoring & Mentoring Program (January 23, 2017 - May 4, 2017)

Tutoring sessions pair tutors/mentors in small group with children K-8.

Location: Sessions are held at Southwark School at 1835 S. 9th St. Philadelphia.

Schedule: 3:15 - 5:30 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays.

Tutors must commit to the same day(s) each week for the duration of the semester. Volunteers do not need to speak Spanish to participate.

Follow these steps by January 20th, 2017:

1.         Register with the intern listserv:

2.         Review the carefully to understand your responsibilities as an intern.

3.         Sign up by for a brief check-in meeting with the  staff: .

4.         Sign up for the day(s) when you will tutor: (note tabs for different days of the week)

5.         Sign up for an orientation session: .

6.         Complete a PA criminal background check and child abuse clearance by 1/23/2017 - both are free and online: .

Questions? Contact Paula Garzon at (267) 714-8048 or

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