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Courses: Pair of English and Education Courses About Incarceration and Literacy

November 11, 2016

Preregistration from Monday, Nov. 14 to Friday, Nov. 18

鈥淯nsettling Literacy", offered in Spring 2017, will unpack incarceration and literacy through an English course, and Education course, and off-campus Praxis engagement at either a women's prison, a re-entry program; or a youth art and advocacy project.

The "Unsettling Literacy" courses, co-taught by Jody Cohen and Anne Dalke, are:

  • ENGL 244: Unsettling Literacy (TTh 2:25-3:45)
  • EDUC 244: Unsettling Literacy: Praxis (W 1:10-4 plus weekly fieldwork)

The off-campus Praxis engagement offers the choice of three Praxis sites for answering the question of what it means to be "literate":

  • A women's prison in North Philadelphia
  • A re-entry program in Norristown
  • A youth art and advocacy project in North Philly

Enrollment is limited to 15 students so pre-register as soon as possible!

Questions? Contact student consultant Abby Rose (, Jody Cohen ( or Anne Dalke (

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