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Speaker: Carol Kuniholm on “Redistricting and Representation: How to Solve Pennsylvania’s Gerrymandering Problem”

March 24, 2017

Thurs., March 30, 7-8:30PM, McPherson Auditorium in Goodhart

Carol Kuniholm, Election Reform Specialist for the League of Women Voters of PA, will talk about gerrymandering and Fair District PA's call for an independent citizens' redistricting commission.

Pennsylvania’s current redistricting rules let politicians pick their voters, not voters their legislators. Carol Kuniholm will discuss the history of gerrymandering in PA, its impacts on various communities, and Fair District PA’s proposed plan for redistricting reform. Redistricting reform is a non-partisan issue and reforms that have passed in other states have had the support of voters across party lines. Fair Districts PA hopes to create an independent citizens commission for drawing district boundaries in time for PA’s 2020 redistricting.

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