It's Magic

Julien Suaudeau is a novelist and filmmaker.

Julien Suaudeau, a lecturer in French and Francophone Studies, is the author of four novels; a regular contributor to the opinion pages of French dailies Le Monde, Le Figaro, and éپDz; and a filmmaker who has directed six documentaries and short fiction films. Read more about his latest book.

It's Magic

“Literature, through identification, has the magical power to put yourself in the shoes of another who could be your enemy, and it makes you smarter in your interpretation 
of history.”

Books vs. Movies

“I’ve always been drawn to literature and film. I read mostly fiction. Nonfiction is more interesting to me on the screen than on the page, although I am not sure why.”

The Interpretation of Dreams

“It’s very hard for me to create something and then just abandon the characters in limbo. I always go back to them in my dreams and daydreams until I find another way in.”

Bad Blood

Le Sang Noir des Hommes is a departure and a new start. The topic that is now at the center of my universe as a writer is colonization and the bad blood between France and its former colonies.”

Those Who Teach

“Reading students’ creative writing and hearing their comments informs my own process. I’m not the same writer as I was before I started teaching creative writing.”

Published on: 05/31/2019