From Enforcers to Guardians: A Public Health Primer on Ending Police Violence


Where most public discourse about excessive police violence focuses on the horrors of civilian deaths, by Hannah Cooper and Mindy Thompson Fullilove ’71 approaches the issue from the radically different angle of public health. Urging readers to recognize that the suffering created extends to sexual, psychological, neglectful, and nonfatal physical violence, the authors use the lessons from public health to put the structural problems of marginalization at the center of the problem and its solution. (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2020; )

"This book meets a critical need that sets public health on a path to fewer lives cut short, the goal of our field. It also creates room for additional conversations to address what is still missing. That is why it is such an important book." —Mary T. Bassett, M.D., M.P.H., American Journal of Public Health
